
LORA omni antenna 

868MHz Antenna (EU868)

【BURBERRY 巴寶莉】BURBERR白字TB字母LOGO印花牛皮黑白圖案磁扣翻蓋式肩背郵差包(黑)

【BURBERRY 巴寶莉】BURBERR白字TB字母LOGO印花牛皮黑白圖案磁扣翻蓋式肩背郵差包(黑)
品牌:BURBERRY 巴寶莉 【BURBERRY 巴寶莉】BURBERR白字TB字母LOGO印花牛皮黑白圖案磁扣翻蓋式肩背郵差包(黑)

寬大收納空間 滿版白字LOGO外觀設計 打造休間實用風格 BURBERRY 巴寶莉

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折扣價格:$ 62800

品牌名稱 BURBERRY 巴寶莉 對象與族群男性中性品牌定位歐系精品顏色黑色產地其他圖案拼接數字/英文字母立體浮雕材質皮革 

868 Mhz LoRa antennas are Omnidirectional outdoor antenna, which operates in the 824 to 896MHz frequency band and a center frequency of 868MHz - it's also known as EU868 (suitable for EU market)

- The UV-resistant fiberglass shell enables all-weather operation.

- Any type and length of cable can be terminated with an N-Type connector.

- Helium miner, Helium hotspot, RFID, WLAN, ISM BAND,868MHz Application

It's an omnidirectional outdoor antenna with different strength levels ranging from 2 to 12 dBi. The antennas are simple to install.

Please visit here to know the correct way to install LoRa Antenna Installation.

The OA-868M series, often known as EU868 (for the European market), is a license-free ISM band with a core frequency of 868MHz. The omnidirectional antenna employs an advanced collinear dipole design, which means it radiates uniformly in the azimuth with a high gain across long distances, reducing the number of cells or nodes required in a network.


New Arrival 【BURBERRY 巴寶莉】Vintage格紋拼皮革翻蓋斜背包(黑)
MOMO購物 價格 30210 元,... 規格說明
【BURBERRY 巴寶莉】BURBERRY 黑字LOGO格紋印花拉鍊手拿包(深樺木棕)
MOMO購物 價格 34800 元,黑字LOGO外觀設計,採用PU搭配牛皮製作,外出攜帶方便收納... 規格說明
New Arrival 【BURBERRY 巴寶莉】經典格紋蠶絲圍巾(灰色)
MOMO購物 價格 9500 元,... 規格說明
New Arrival 【BURBERRY 巴寶莉】Monogram 環保帆布皮革皮帶(馬勒棕)
MOMO購物 價格 11685 元,... 規格說明
【BURBERRY 巴寶莉】BURBERRY LoRA銀字TB字母LOGO絎縫羊皮磁扣翻蓋式肩背/斜背包(黑)
MOMO購物 價格 66800 元,格紋絎縫羊皮外觀設計,採用精緻羊皮&金屬配件製作,打造休間優雅風格... 規格說明
New Arrival 【BURBERRY 巴寶莉】經典格紋羊毛及喀什米爾圍巾(粉色/粉筆白)
MOMO購物 價格 9500 元,... 規格說明
New Arrival 【BURBERRY 巴寶莉】Thomas 泰迪熊領結造型吊飾/Key圈(經典米色)
MOMO購物 價格 9405 元,... 規格說明
New Arrival 【BURBERRY 巴寶莉】Horseferry Logo 塗層帆布 Sonny腰包(黑色)
MOMO購物 價格 25460 元,... 規格說明
New Arrival 【BURBERRY 巴寶莉】經典格紋羊毛流蘇披肩/圍巾(黑色)
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868 Mhz LoRa antennas are Omnidirectional outdoor antenna, which operates in the 824 to 896MHz frequency band and a center frequency of 868MHz - it's also known as EU868 (suitable for EU market)

- The UV-resistant fiberglass shell enables all-weather operation.

- Any type and length of cable can be terminated with an N-Type connector.

- Helium miner, Helium hotspot, RFID, WLAN, ISM BAND,868MHz Application

It's an omnidirectional outdoor antenna with different strength levels ranging from 2 to 12 dBi. The antennas are simple to install.

Please visit here to know the correct way to install LoRa Antenna Installation.

The OA-868M series, often known as EU868 (for the European market), is a license-free ISM band with a core frequency of 868MHz. The omnidirectional antenna employs an advanced collinear dipole design, which means it radiates uniformly in the azimuth with a high gain across long distances, reducing the number of cells or nodes required in a network.

New Arrival 【BURBERRY 巴寶莉】Vintage 格紋皮革斜背包(米色)
MOMO購物 價格 23560 元,... 規格說明
【BURBERRY 巴寶莉】BURBERRY金字TB字母LOGO紡織格紋磁扣掀蓋式肩背包(深樺木棕)
MOMO購物 價格 74800 元,金字TB字母LOGO外觀設計,採用精緻滌綸搭配小羊皮製作,外出攜帶斜背或肩背皆宜... 規格說明
【BURBERRY 巴寶莉】經典格紋絲羊毛長披巾 Alabaster Pink(雪花粉紅)
MOMO購物 價格 9999 元,細緻質感 經典設計,都會時尚 優雅品味,個性有型 出眾吸睛... 規格說明

【BURBERRY 巴寶莉】BURBERR白字TB字母LOGO印花牛皮黑白圖案磁扣翻蓋式肩背郵差包(黑)簡介說明


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    868mhz antenna
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    868 MHz LoRa Antenna

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